
  • Breathe Together Yoga

    VINYASA ~ Wednesdays 5:45-7:00 pm

    POWER VINYASA ~ Sundays 10:00-11:15 am

  • Almaden Valley Athletic Club

    Saturdays 10:30-11:45 am


Vinyasa with Amy

Amy enjoys sharing Vinyasa sequences that make class feel as though it’s one seamless dance. Class starts with a gentle warm up, a pranayama breath practice, and moves into flow with a focus on transitions, alignment, and breath work. Students will be given several levels of the peak asanas so as to match the abilities of the day. Class ends with a meditation, and peaceful savasana, sure to soothe the nervous system, and juice the day!

Vinyasa takes place weekly and is joyfully practiced in a garden setting. Sign up via Email!


Gentle Yoga with Amy

Gentle Yoga can be a positive addition to a Yoga practice for everyone. We welcome those new to Yoga, recovering from an injury, or those needing a day off from an Ashtanga, or alternatively vigorous athletic practice. 

We will always ground and center, increasing awareness of our bodies and our various states of being. We’ll warm up our joints thoroughly, incorporate various pranayama breath work to help settle the nervous system, quiet the mind and move from the exterior world to the interior. And finally, we will flow, focusing on alignment, graceful transitions, all while quietly increasing strength, and proprioception.